The story of R&Q mixes the best of two traditions; that of a company built like a family together with the innovative spirit that has allowed it to stay at the forefront of Chilean engineering.
The story of R&Q mixes the best of two traditions; that of a company built like a family together with the innovative spirit that has allowed it to stay at the forefront of Chilean engineering.
Our mission is to provide top quality multidisciplinary engineering services to each and every client across various fields, ensuring that we deliver the best value proposition for each one of our projects. All of this is to be done from a sustainable perspective. We are constantly concerned with attracting and keeping the best talent as the main asset of our company, thus building a better future for our clients, collaborators and shareholders.
R&Q Ingeniería S.A., a firm that provides professional engineering services in Mining, Transportation, Energy and Private and Public Infrastructure, makes the commitment to comply with this Policy, the client’s requirements and the applicable and current regulations and legislation in the areas of quality management, environment and occupational health and safety. This is done within a framework of sustainable development in order to contribute to the growth and strengthening of our society, along with the care and protection of the environment.
Consequently, it expresses the decision to carry out its activities within the framework of the following requirements:
R&Q Ingeniería S.A. is committed to upholding high standards in all aspects of its operations, including meeting the requirements of our clients, environmental protection and acting responsibly in the administration of resources that it has. The company ensures the wellbeing of its workers and the communities in which it operates.
Protecting the environment and the development of communities is considered a requirement in society and a duty by R&Q. This can be seen in policy which reflects its conviction and commitment to achieving the highest standards.
Some of the most recently adopted measures that stand out are:
Health, safety and self-care measures have been a fundamental characteristic of R&Q throughout its four decades.
Throughout this time, the company has received distinctions from Sernageomin (Annual Contest in Mining Safety 2013), from the National Security Council and from ACHS for reaching a record number of accident free days.
In January 2020, R&Q was recognised by the Institute for Work Safety (IST) thanks to its permanent concern for workers in matters of safety. In May 2021 it received a ‘Distinction For Excellence’ award for its zero accident rate in 2020.
In September 2020 R&Q had 7,201,305 hours accident -free man-hours.
With regards to the Covid-19 pandemic, immediate measures were adopted. The use of an internal app which gives a daily report of the health conditions of each worker was implemented. This allows us to detect possible cases early as well as preventing and reducing the spread of the virus when faced with a possible Covid case.
R&Q is present from Arica to Magallanes, with their seal of quality being reflected in works such as the Chacao Bridge, Route 5, a series of hospitals and mining projects for Los Pelambres, Codelco División Andina and Codelco División Chuquicamata.
The list of clients includes:
Los Pelambres Mining Company, Codelco, Anglo American, Collahuasi Mining Company, Bechtel, Aker Solutions, Escondida Mining Company, Flour, Transelec, Essbio, Xstrata, Energía Austral, Esval, Hidro Aysén, BHP Billiton, Ministry of Public Works, Santiago Metro, Grupo EFE, Valparaíso Metro, Endesa, Santander Investment (Spain), Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning, Aguas Andinas, MBIA Insurance Corporation, XL Capital Assurance, Banco Itaú Chile, Banco Corpbanca, Banco de Crédito e Inversiones, Banco BICE, Banco Estado, Banco BBVA (Chile) Banco BBVA (Spain).
R&Q has up to date certifications which allow it to work around its pillars of development: Quality, Safety and Care of the Environment.
The range of R&Q’s certifications covers: Provision of Engineering Services for Studies, Projects, Technical Inspections and Technical-Economic Studies in the Industrial, Civil, Electrical and Mechanical specialities, Provision of Engineering Services for the management of industrial contracts for Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Works carried out on site in their own facilities and/or the Client’s facilities.
R&Q guarantees the quality, world class standards and high productivity of its workers spread out throughout Chile.
On average, its diverse areas participate in more than 120 projects a year, covering the Mining, Infrastructure, Energy, Transport and Industrial markets.
We are conscious of the importance of incorporating women into the area of Engineering and therefore women make up 23% of our workforce. They are involved in important leadership in significant projects that the firm develops, for example Internal Management, Environment, Private Enterprises and Consultancy for Tax Audits. Today R&Q has a Women’s Community that works to generate an organisational culture with gender equality.
We strive to build stable teams over time and our organisational structure has cross-sectional areas that support the operational ones, offering an integrated approach which results in the delivery of an excellent service and long term relationships with our clients.
Thanks to the endorsement and high standards of its work in Chile, R&Q has offices in Colombia and Peru. These are in strategic locations where the firm looks to continue providing expertise in engineering, mining projects and road infrastructure.
In Colombia, R&Q has been awarded important engineering contracts such as the supervision of the second section of the Sol Highway. In Peru it supervised the Nestor Gambetta road in El Callao and in Mexico it has become involved with financial institutions, through the delivery of engineering services. Furthermore, the firm has participated in projects in Guatemala, Paraguay, The United States, Honduras, Argentina and Costa Rica.
Our prominence in the market goes hand in hand with the commitment and orientation towards excellence that we deliver to our clients who have been able to see that in R&Q, we have a team of first-class specialists.
Over the last 45 years, we have implemented a series of joint-ventures with various international consulting firms which has allowed us to enhance our experience and take on projects on a more complex scale and in different fields of civil engineering, always prioritising quality and the innovation of our services.
Our prominence in the market goes hand in hand with the commitment and orientation towards excellence that we deliver to our clients who have been able to see that in R&Q, we have a team of first-class specialists.
R&Q Ingeniería S.A., has established a system for the prevention of crimes of bribery, money-laundering and financing terrorism as laid out in law No. 20,393. This prevention system aims to effectively implement a form of corporate organisation that prevents the commission of these crimes by any one of its members.
In the case of R&Q Ingeniería S.A, it is a sign of the company’s organisational commitment and a reflection of a corporate culture that does not allow the commission of crimes, whether or not they benefit the Company.
To achieve these objectives and to comply with the duties of self-regulation, an organisation and regulation of processes has been established that neutralises the risk of committing these crimes as much as possible, contributing to their prevention and timely detection.
The specific objective of the model is not only to dissuade the commission of these crimes but also to comply with the duties of management and supervision imposed by the law.
R&Q Ingeniería S.A., has established a system for the prevention of crimes of bribery, money-laundering and financing terrorism as laid out in law No. 20,393. This prevention system aims to effectively implement a form of corporate organisation that prevents the commission of these crimes by any one of its members.
In the case of R&Q Ingeniería S.A, it is a sign of the company’s organisational commitment and a reflection of a corporate culture that does not allow the commission of crimes, whether or not they benefit the Company.
To achieve these objectives and to comply with the duties of self-regulation, an organisation and regulation of processes has been established that neutralises the risk of committing these crimes as much as possible, contributing to their prevention and timely detection.
The specific objective of the model is not only to dissuade the commission of these crimes but also to comply with the duties of management and supervision imposed by the law.
R&Q Ingeniería S.A., has established a system for the prevention of crimes of bribery, money-laundering and financing terrorism as laid out in law No. 20,393. This prevention system aims to effectively implement a form of corporate organisation that prevents the commission of these crimes by any one of its members.
In the case of R&Q Ingeniería S.A, it is a sign of the company’s organisational commitment and a reflection of a corporate culture that does not allow the commission of crimes, whether or not they benefit the Company.
To achieve these objectives and to comply with the duties of self-regulation, an organisation and regulation of processes has been established that neutralises the risk of committing these crimes as much as possible, contributing to their prevention and timely detection.
The specific objective of the model is not only to dissuade the commission of these crimes but also to comply with the duties of management and supervision imposed by the law.
R&Q cuenta con un Modelo de Prevención de Delitos de conformidad a lo establecido en la Ley 20.393, relativo a los delitos de Cohecho, Lavado de Activos, Financiamiento del Terrorismo, Receptación, Negociación Incompatible, Corrupción entre Particulares, Administración Desleal y Apropiación Indebida.
De acuerdo al procedimiento establecido en el Manual de Prevención de Delitos, las denuncias pueden ser hechas por escrito y enviadas a través de carta dirigida a la Encargada de Prevención de los Delitos a la dirección de la casa matriz o al email denuncias@ryq.cl y en cualquier caso se garantiza el anonimato de las denuncias.
Para asegurar su seriedad, deberán incluir una breve descripción de las actividades, hechos denunciados y sospechosos, el día y lugar de la ocurrencia, el nombre de los posibles involucrados y/o partes, u otra información que esté en poder del denunciante y que sea de utilidad.